February 12, 2019

Reservations are encouraged for this production as seats are limited.
Rehearsing a scene in the upcoming interactive murder mystery “Death and Deceit on the Nile” at Northwestern Oklahoma State University-Alva are Duncan Brown (laying on floor), Gate sophomore; Rylee Johnson, Amarillo, Texas, freshman; Austin Morton, Buffalo freshman; Peyton Lucas, Fairview sophomore; and Michelle Willson, Conway Springs, Kansas, sophomore. The dessert-theatre production is Feb. 21-22 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 23 at 2 p.m. in Herod Hall Auditorium. Reservations are highly encouraged by contacting director Kimberly Weast, professor of theatre arts and chair of the Department of Fine Arts, at (580) 327-8462. Tickets are $12 for general audience, $10 for faculty and staff with employee IDs and $5 for students with current student IDs.