ReachHigher - Oklahoma's Degree Completion Program
Reach Higher: RECONNECT Week
Join us on Friday, May 3, at Enid's First Friday for information on enrollment and some fun giveaways!
May 1-3 | Open at all campus locations from 7:30-5:30, or by Zoom.
Visit our Enid and Woodward campuses during this week to learn more about finishing your bachelor's degree. You can stop by the campuses, call, or set-up a virtual meeting
to find out more information.
Fill out this form to receive information on the Reach Higher program.
Enid Campus | 2929 E. Randolph | 580-213-3101
Woodward Campus | 2007 34th Street | 580-254-2500
Program Overview
If you have earned a minimum of 72 credit hours, are at least 21 years of age, have not been enrolled as a full-time student for at least one year, and have a minimum of 2.0 graduation/retention GPA in past college course work, you might consider applying for admission in the ReachHigher program to earn a degree in Organizational Leadership, Computer Science, Nursing or Business. Individual colleges also may have other admission requirements.
Through ReachHigher, work and life experiences may, in some cases, qualify for college credit — saving time and money.
Complete a bachelor's degree taking courses that are available online or face-to-face.
The following is the procedure students will use to enroll in the Oklahoma’s Degree Completion Program with Northwestern Oklahoma State University as the home institution:
Complete the online application at https://reachhigherok.org/flexfinish/flexfinish-bachelors/. The student will receive an email confirmation from the ODCP that the application has been received.
a) Northwestern (Terri Warren in the Registry Office) will follow with a letter to tell the student what information and transcripts they will need and how to get that information to them.
Northwestern will review the transcripts and other information and determine if the student is accepted into the program. The student and the Lead (Northeastern State University) institution will receive notice from Northwestern (Terri Warren in the Registry Office) when accepted.
Once the student has been accepted, they may choose to work with Northwestern Financial Aid counselors to make application for financial assistance and eligibility determination. Contact information for the various Financial Aid offices of the participating institutions is available on the ODCP website listed above.
Admissions and Records staff from Northwestern will work with the student to complete the enrollment process. Contact information for the various Admissions and Records offices is available on the ODCP website listed above.
a) Enrollment in other than Northwestern courses will require that Northwestern staff work directly with the offering institution staff to complete the enrollment. This makes the enrollment process seamless to the student. It also ensures that Northwestern has complete course load information for financial aid purposes.
b) The ODCP coordinator at Northwestern will communicate enrollment information to the Lead institution (Northeastern).
The ODCP coordinator will work with the Offering institutions (if any) for each student to arrange for purchase of books and to accumulate course fee information.
Northwestern will produce a billing document for the student which will include information regarding all fees (both Northwestern and Offering) incurred.
a) A copy of the billing document will be forwarded to the Lead institution (Northeastern).
Northwestern will collect all fees from the student prior to the first day of classes unless there is pending financial aid. Students with pending financial aid will be asked to complete the ODCP promissory note.
a) A copy of the ODCP promissory note will be forwarded to the Lead institution (Northeastern).
Northwestern will remit funds collected to the Offering institution(s) after the last refund date of the course term.
a) Information confirming the transmittal of funds between the institutions will be provided to the Lead institution (Northeastern).
Failure to make payment or complete the promissory note by the first day of classes will result in the cancellation of the student’s enrollment.
a) Communication of cancellation of enrollment will be made by Northwestern to the Lead institution (Northeastern) and all Offering institutions.
Northwestern will provide notice to the student that their account is in good standing and that they are approved to attend class. This notice will provide course access information. Course delivery methods and times will also be available on the ODCP website listed above.
Students who need to drop a course or withdraw must contact the Admissions and Records office of Northwestern.
a) Any refund due will be calculated based upon the date that the official withdrawal is filed with the Admissions and Records office, not upon the date that the student stopped attending classes. Refunds will be issued by Northwestern.
b) Students awarded financial aid who drop a course or withdraw from the program may be responsible for repayment of that financial aid. Northwestern will determine whether these enrollment changes trigger repayment status. If this happens, Northwestern will communicate with the student and collect the funds due.
c) Northwestern will communicate course change information to the Lead institution (Northeastern) and to the Offering institutions.
Northwestern will notify the student of all grades awarded, whether through Northwestern or Offering institution.
a) Offering institutions will provide grade information to Northwestern via transcript copies at the end of each term.
Upon successful completion of the program, Northwestern will confer the degree and will be responsible for providing complete transcripts.
To learn more about the program at Northwestern, contact Dr. Jerry Gustafson, professor of business, by email at jjgustafson@nwosu.edu. You also may contact Northwestern’s Office of Recruitment at (580) 327-8546.