Paying For College
ReachHigher - Oklahoma’s Degree Completion Program
If you have earned a minimum of 72 credit hours, are at least 21 years of age, have not been enrolled as a full-time student for at least one year, and have a minimum of 2.0 graduation/retention GPA in past college course work, you might consider applying for admission in the ReachHigher program to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership at Northwestern. Individual colleges also may have other admission requirements.
Through ReachHigher, work and life experiences may, in some cases, qualify for college credit — saving time and money.
Costs for this program:
Resident Tuition: $290.79 per credit hour
Non-resident Tuition: $634.17 per credit hour
Financial Aid Estimated Cost of Attendance (includes direct/indirect costs)
The U.S. Department of Education requires that Financial Aid Offices establish a cost of attendance (COA) in calculating your eligibility for financial aid. COA is an estimate of projected costs that a student may incur while attending college. Student budgets are differentiated by residency, classification, and enrollment levels. COA contains both direct costs (tuition and fees, food and housing, books, course materials, supplies and equipment) and indirect costs (transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous personal expenses). Indirect costs are dependent on other factors (example: loan fees are included in your budget but is dependent on whether or not you accept a loan).
Northwestern’s yearly financial aid budget is determined by using estimated tuition and fees, a semi-private room, 12 meals per week, books, course materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, loan fees, and personal miscellaneous expenses for the entire academic year. COA is not actual costs billed from the university Bursar. You cannot take out loans or accept scholarships beyond your cost of attendance.
Undergraduate Students:
Dependent living with parent:
Estimate based on 30 credit hours, housing and food with parent, books, course materials, supplies and equipment, and all indirect costs stated above.
Oklahoma Resident: Tuition and Fees $8,300 |
Non-Resident: (does not include GO OK! Waiver) Tuition and Fees $15,418 |
Dependent On/Off Campus:
Estimate based on 30 credit hours per year, semi-private room each semester, 12 meals per week meal plan per semester, books, course materials, supplies and equipment, and all indirect costs stated above.
Oklahoma Resident: Tuition and Fees $8,300 |
Non-Resident: (does not include GO OK! Waiver) Tuition and Fees $15,418 |
Independent Student:
Oklahoma Resident: Tuition and Fees $8,300 |
Non-Resident: (does not include GO OK! Waiver) Tuition and Fees $15,418 |
Nursing Program Students:
Oklahoma Resident: Tuition and Fees $11,050 |
Non-Resident: (does not include GO OK! Waiver) Tuition and Fees $18,168 |
To learn more about the program, visit their website or contact Dr. Jerry Gustafson, professor of business. You also may contact Northwestern’s Office of Recruitment at (580) 327-8546.