School of Arts & Sciences
Math and Computer Science
The Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Northwestern is located in Shockley Hall on the Alva campus. The department offers majors in Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Computer Science, and Computer Science with an Information System option. Minors are also available in Mathematics and Computer Science. The Mathematics and Computer Science Department consists of qualified and friendly faculty members who are eager to help students prepare for careers in mathematics and/or computer science.
Dr. Tim Maharry
Professor of Mathematics
Chair, Mathematics and Computer Science Department
Shockley Hall 214
(580) 327-8583
Student Spotlight
Kelsey Conaway, Ringwood, OK
BS in Mathematics May 2018
"Earning a degree in Mathematics at Northwestern helps you build a skill set that is invaluable in today's workforce. The ability to do computational analysis, think critically, and practice discipline are just a few examples. The staff and faculty are always willing to go the extra mile to see you succeed. Coming to Northwestern and earning a degree in Math has afforded me the opportunity to continue my education in graduate school for statistics. I will always look back and appreciate my time at this university and with this department."
Degrees Offered
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science Education in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science Information System Option
For a detailed look at the course requirements and descriptions for these degrees, please see the Undergraduate Catalog.
Degree Planning Resources
Course Rotations
Plans of Study
Scholarship opportunities are available for students in this department.
A few departmental scholarships are shared with the Department of Natural Science and are on a rotation basis.
To complete the application process for departmental scholarships:
- Turn in a copy of your unofficial transcript to Dr. Tim Maharry (SH 214)
- Submit the Natural Science/Math and Science Department Scholarship Application by March 1. This one application will go to the chairs in both departments.
Departmental scholarships available in this area and more can be found at https://ournorthwestern.org/make-an-investment/scholarships, including numerous miscellaneous unspecified scholarships.
Current students have until March 15 for academic scholarships using the Continuing Student Scholarship Application.
All incoming freshmen or transfers are encouraged to fill out their respective scholarship forms: Freshman Scholarship or Transfer Scholarship, which should be submitted along with the Application for Admission to the University. The incoming freshman deadline is May 15, while the transfer student deadline is July 15.
Students also should complete the FAFSA form at www.studentaid.gov.
For more information, please visit Scholarships.