School of Arts & Sciences
IRIS URL Builder
- Go to: http://service.iris.edu/irisws/timeseries/docs/1/builder/
- Select the URL Builder tab
- Enter fields as outlined below for Alva’s seismic station
- Network: GS
- Station: OK035
- Location:
- 00 (for broadband)
- 20 (for strong motion)
- Channels (for broadband only)
- HHZ (vertical motion)
- HH1 (north-south motion)
- HH2 (east-west motion)
- Channels (for strong motion only)
- HNZ (vertical motion)
- HN1 (north-south motion)
- HN2 (east-west motion)
- Start/End Times
- Select dates from the drop down menu
- Modify the time to get at specific events (convert time to 24hr time, then add 6 hours)
- Example: a 10:30 PM quake’s time on January 6th in Oklahoma should be T04:30:00 on January 7th in the search queue
- Make sure “Plot” is selected from the Output option near the bottom right of the screen
- Leave other fields/checkboxes as they are at first, you can experiment with them later to see what they do
- The link at the bottom of the page will display the plot! This link can also be copied and shared with others.
Software for managing raw data: Dimas
Dimas uses the “miniseed” output data on the URL Builder described above.
To access other seismic station data around the globe, go to http://ds.iris.edu/mda (or Google search IRIS MDA). GS is the US Geologic Survey’s network. Alva’s station is OK035.