School of Arts & Sciences
Still considering where you would like to go to prepare for your future career? Consider NWOSU Science!
As a small, tight-knit department with programs in biology, chemistry, and physics, we have a lot to offer and would be excited to have you join us!
Scholarships at NWOSU
As a graduating high school senior, you may have been awarded one or more scholarships already through your high school or community -- which is GREAT! This may also be the case if you are transferring from another institution. Here are some additional scholarships you might be eligible for:
- NWOSU Scholarships
- For incoming first year students, select the "Freshman Scholarships" link at the left on the webpage
- For transfer students, select the "Transfer Student Scholarships" link at the left on the webpage
After your first year at NWOSU, some of your scholarships may continue year-after-year automatically. Others may need to be applied for again each year. Be sure to keep track of your scholarships so that you don't miss a deadline or let a scholarship expire. Here's a sample Google Sheet that you can use as a template to help you plan/prepare!
- Sample Google Sheet for organizing scholarship (and more!) information
- Copy and edit this document to meet your needs!
As an NWOSU science major or minor, you also can apply for Departmental Continuing Student Scholarships:
- NWOSU Science Continuing Scholarships (you can apply for these in the spring semester of your first year at NWOSU)
- Over $20,000 is awarded each year to science students by the Department of Natural Science alone
- More than 80% of science majors/minors who apply are awarded a Continuing Student Scholarship
- The average dollar amount per scholarship awarded typically exceeds $500
- Science students often earn more than one Continuing Student Scholarship!
Did you receive an NWOSU Science postcard in the mail? Are you interested in receiving a free gift?! Here's what you need to do:
- Go to the NWOSU Science main page
- Complete the Information Request Form (we would like to know more about you!)
- Add "Please send me my free gift!" to your comments in the last box of the form so we know you would like a gift:
- a 3D printed keychain (you pick the subject!), or
- an #NWOSUscience Post-it notepad

About the NWOSU Science postcards...every photo of students is of our NWOSU students in action! Browse further down this page for more details about what is going on in each photo and gain a sense of what we're about!
NWOSU Science Postcards
If you received an NWOSU Science postcard in the mail, you can browse below to find out what's happening in each photo!
- An NWOSU student collects water samples for Blue Thumb volunteer stream monitoring in Spring Creek, Woodward
- With guidance from a field educator, Andy (middle) and Beau (right) collect water samples from the Cimarron River
- During Ecology Lab, Whitney holds a bullfrog while collecting data for a habitat analysis lab at the Salt Fork of Arkansas
- Makayla, Connor, Whitney, and Dakota engage in vegetation gradient sampling at the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
- A slant-faced grasshopper is proudly presented during a break from lab while at the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge
- Ashleigh displays a blotched water snake, discovered while collecting habitat data at the Salt Fork of Arkansas
- For an Ecology Lab, Dayton, Connor, Makayla, Devin, and Ashleigh work with a telemetry system at Hatfield Park
- In the indoor laboratory, Whitney carries out a procedure for water chemistry analysis
- Science majors in Science Fair Judging class discuss projects a local science fair at Shattuck High School
- Alva public school students construct infrared sensors -- Natural Science Education students often help coordinate and lead workshops for area schools
- A campus-wide solar eclipse event was a big hit -- Events such as this are encouraged in the science education curriculum
- Morgan displays her John Ted Meier Student Teaching Award -- As a chemistry teacher, she went on to be a runner up for Teacher of the Year
- Harrison oversees BEST Robotics team members during competition -- Service Learning is embedded the science education programs at NWOSU
- Middle school students display their projects at the Northwest Oklahoma Regional Science Fair -- NWOSU science students have the opportunity to assist and/or judge these projects each year
- Tanner, a science education major, joins in a commencement day selfie in December -- At the time of the photo, he had already signed a contract to become a full-time biology teacher for an Oklahoma high school
- Burlington High School students during intense Heartland BEST Robotics competition -- behind the photographer are several volunteers and students who work together to help run this annual event
- This is an electrophoresis gel from Genetics Lab showing the DNA of a GMO specimen; one of many hands-on investigations students complete in the health science curriculum at NWOSU
- Jacob, a pre-veterinary medicine student, uses an illuminator to view an electrophoresis gel
- Joseph loads the wells of electrophoresis gel with DNA samples while Erin is referring to protocol to ensure the lab group completes the procedure correctly
- Samples are carefully loaded into a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine, or thermocycler, to amplify segments of DNA collected from various samples
- Students completing our Human Anatomy and Human Physiology courses go on to become nurses, physicians, teachers, physical/occupational therapists, and more. You can expect to engage in hands-on learning experiences and becoming a part of long-lasting study groups!
- Because of our small class sizes, opportunities for individualized instruction and ample time with quality equipment are the norm at NWOSU
- A common scene in Human Physiology Lab: Samples in the foreground and laboratory note-taking in the background
- Melissa unloads DNA samples from a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine -- Of the specimens investigated during this investigation (soybeans, lima beans, pine nuts, wheat, and corn flour), only the pine nuts were determined to be a GMO product
- Matt gives special attention to measuring out a solution for study in Chemistry Lab
- Kofi (right) practices presenting his research in chemistry to NWOSU colleagues Francis (left) and Chris (middle) at Oklahoma Research Day
- Don't let NWOSU's small size fool you -- our students, like Courtney pictured here, have access to quality equipment and gain firsthand experience using techniques and apparati found in industry
- Hunter prepares a solution in a lab especially well-suited for upper level courses such as Biochemistry and Physical Chemsitry
- Trevor and Nelva making use of the glove box in a room reserved for study in Analytical Chemistry
- Students working in lab is the norm at NWOSU; a benefit of our smaller size is that the lab instructors are the same as the course instructors
- Students in lab are completing an investigation in Chemistry Lab. Science students can apply to become a Learning Assistant to earn credit and pay for helping others during class/lab
- Chris presents his research at Ranger Research Day, a product of his work completing research as part of an independent study
- Student lab groups in College Physics I for life science majors compete in the annual "work done by non-conservative forces" rollercoaster competition!
- Harrison (math major, physics minor) supervises a Heartland BEST Robotics team as they prep their robot for competition
- Anna and Noah adjust ring stands for their projectile motion lab in Physics I for pre-engineers
- Kimalee (a pre-environmental engineer) is assembling a miniature Simon Says kit as part of a Physics II lab (calculus-based)
- Kody investigates the hydrophobic properties a material has on water as part of an independent study in physics
- A group of high school students from Burlington Public Schools at a workshop -- our physics students help organize and run events such as these
- Ranger Rocketry team members Joshua (middle) and Sharon (right) pose by their Argonia Cup competition rocket
- Brandon displays his full scale 3D printed BB-8 robot, completed as part of an independent study
- Because of our small class sizes, opportunities for individualized instruction and ample time with quality equipment are the norm at NWOSU.
- Students in lab are completing an investigation in Chemistry Lab. Science students can apply to become a Learning Assistant to earn credit and pay for helping others during class/lab.
- Kimalee (a pre-environmental engineer) is assembling a miniature Simon Says kit as part of a Physics II lab (calculus-based)
- Harrison (math major, physics minor) supervises a Heartland BEST Robotics team as they prep their robot for competition
- Chris presents his research at Ranger Research Day, a product of his work completing research as part of an independent study
- A group photo of science grads at commencement is an annual tradition!
- Morgan displays her John Ted Meier Student Teaching Award -- As a chemistry teacher, she went on to be a runner up for Teacher of the Year
- Many science majors are honored each year in the annual NWOSU Outstanding Seniors award ceremony!
See a postcard you'd like to receive in the mail? Follow the instructions in the "FREE Gift" section of this page and let us know!!