School of Arts & Sciences
Northwestern Oklahoma State University presents the
Northwest Oklahoma Regional Science Fair
Since 1957, NWOSU has had the honor of hosting the Northwest Oklahoma Regional Science Fair. This program has evolved over the years to become one of outreach, service learning, and has served as a springboard for aspiring students.
Our fair services the northwest most counties of Oklahoma and is a feeder fair for the Oklahoma State Science & Engineering Fair (OSSEF) held annually in Stillwater, OK at OSU. At the regional fair, judges have the capability of advancing a project to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).
2025 Regional Fair: The 2025 Northwest Regional Science Fair will be held in person at the Northwestern Oklahoma State University Campus in Alva on February 6th, 2025.
Registration and ISEF Paperwork Deadline: Februrary 4, 2025
Pre-approval of ISEF Paperwork deadline: January 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM
Thank you for taking on a science fair project! We hope to see you at our fair! This document contains some helpful information, including
- Typical Components of a Science Fair Project/Board
- Some Terminology (The Basics)
- Some Terminology (Advanced)
Thank you for your efforts in helping students experience "Science" by providing them with this opportunity!!
You should have received an email outlining the steps for registering science fair projects. If you need this information sent to you again, please email Jenny Sattler at jasattler@nwosu.edu.
Registration and Paperwork
Before beginning the registration procees, it is recommended:
- You have ISEF forms already completed
- You will need the following information to complete the registration form:
- Student's information: Name (first, middle, last), mailing address, email address, grade and gender.
- Project information: Title, short description of project, category (choices are provided), type of project (individual or group), and whether the project involves human subjects, vertebrate animals, or hazardous biological agents. You will also need to indicate whether the project will need access to electricity at the Regional Fair.
- School information: School's name and mailing address, teacher's name, phone number, and email address.
- You have ISEF forms scanned in and saved as PDF files
- For ISEF form pre-approval, please email the PDF files to VMMoorthy@nwosu.edu
- On the day of the regional science fair, bring all of the original ISEF forms with you.
- We will sign and date the original ISEF forms using the date of pre-approval, as applicable.
- Once corrected and upon pre-approval, we will indicate the date of pre-approval for our records.
- If revisions or additional forms are needed, we will let you know.
- On the day of the regional science fair, bring all of the original ISEF forms with you.
- For ISEF form pre-approval, please email the PDF files to VMMoorthy@nwosu.edu
To register for the 2025 Regional Science Fair, please click here.
If you are interested in serving as a Judge for the Northwest Oklahoma Regional Science Fair, please email Jenny Sattler.
Parents, Teachers, and Students!
Please note that since 2014, NWOSU scholarships have been awarded to the top finishing seniors at the regional fair!
- NWOSU Regional Science Fair Scholarships
- 1st Place Senior: $1,500
- 2nd Place Senior: $1,000
- 3rd Place Senior: $500