NWOSU Campus

Student Services

Title III / LASSO Project

Enhancing Student Success, Engagement and Purpose-Driven Education 

What does LASSO stand for?

  • Leadership, Academic Success, Superior Outcomes

What is our Mission?

The mission of the Northwestern Oklahoma State Title III/LASSO Project is to provide support services to first-time/full-time and continuing students by promoting student engagement and academic success while providing guidance to cope with experiences and challenges encountered during the collegiate journey. The Title III/LASSO Project aims to improve student retention and graduation rates, promoting overall student success.


Lisa FranzLisa Cline
Title III/LASSO Project Director
Ryerson Hall 142
(580) 327-8131

Julie LehrJulie Lehr
LASSO Student Coach / Academic Advisor
Ryerson Hall 145
(580) 327-8132

Emilie Cline
LASSO Student Coach / Academic Advisor
Ryerson Hall 145
(580) 327-8130

M'Cheila RaderM'Cheila Rader
LASSO Career Coach / Academic Advisor
Ryerson Hall 145
(580) 327-8133

LASSO Student Resource Center
Ryerson Hall 145
Northwestern Oklahoma State University

"One of the main things I’ve liked about LASSO is that no matter the time between my classes, I can always rely on their door being open. Whether it is a sofa I can rest on, or the same sofa I can do class work on, or a shoulder to lean on for support, it is their reliability I can… well, rely on! Each of them holds a nuance in discussion that I enjoy interacting with and sometimes challenging in my own way. And to said challenge, they never back down!"

"It just felt comfortable and safe knowing that I had people at the college that I could trust to help me with scheduling my classes for next semester, as well had somewhere I could turn to for help. Not only education but personal experience, too. It's like a home away from home!"

"I've gone into the LASSO center many times for lots of different reasons. Every time I’ve gone in I leave with the help or advice I needed."

Who Do We Serve?

The Title III/LASSO Project serves first-time, full-time students, as well as, continuing students who are seeking support and guidance to help overcome academic and nonacademic concerns. Through the LASSO Student Resource Center, participants will receive personalized coaching and advising, along with enhanced career counseling.

NWOSU LASSO Center is actively involved in implementing Complete College America’s Purpose First Strategy through Career Exploration, Academic Structures, and the First Year Experience.

What Services Do We Provide?

NWOSU’s Title III/LASSO Project is actively involved in implementing Complete College America’s Purpose First Strategy through Career Exploration, Academic Structures, and the First Year Experience.

The LASSO Center has developed an academic advisement system linking students to LASSO Center learning coaches for academic advisement and guidance, and a dedicated career coach for major and career exploration.

Career Exploration

LASSO Center Career Coach has completed requirements for “Certified Career Services Provider” through NCDA (National Career Development Association). This training has helped build student-centered career development allowing students to see the correlation between their education and skills associated with careers.

LASSO Career Coach meets one-on-one with students to help them make informed decisions related to majors and develop career pathways. Career assessments, MyMajors and Focus2Career, are tools used to facilitate process. These assessments assist students in connecting major options to careers tailored to their interests, values, and goals.

LASSO Career Coach provides relevant job-market information such as job demand, benefits, associated skills, and educational requirements. Workshops and career fairs are also held on-campus designed to network students with faculty and employers to learn more about how their coursework aligns with potential careers.

Academic Structures

LASSO Center staff prioritizes staying current on major requirements for graduation, as well as, how to effectively advise students to create yearly milestones according to their major plans of study.

The Title III/LASSO Project webpage https://www.nwosu.edu/student-services/lasso provides links to “careers in your major,” as well as, degree “plans of study."

LASSO staff maintains yearly membership in NADACA (National Academic Advisement Association) and participates in national and regional conferences to enrich academic advisement expertise and strategies.

LASSO Center staff takes an intentional approach to academic advisement by being proactive and providing support.

First Year Experience (FYE)

NWOSU recognizes that the FYE provides unique opportunities to assist students in articulating goals and aligning their academic experiences to those goals. The LASSO Center Project Director and Career Coach collaborate with FYE “Ranger Connection” instructors to structure competencies related to career exploration and major options, financial literacy and money management, and student success.

LASSO Center Learning Coaches instruct “Ranger Connection” sections which include an enhanced career compontent designed to help students align their educational goals, interests, and values to career opportunities. The LASSO Center Career Coach meets regularly with FYE students to ensure that they are attending classes and are confident in their major and career path decisions by providing coaching relevant to career preparedness.

How Our Learning Coaches Can Help

LASSO Center Learning Coaches are assigned to help you with:

  • Academic advisement and course registration/enrollment process.

  • The development and implementation of education plans of action and making sure you are on-track to graduate.

  • Academic progress and connecting with the appropriate support services necessary to help you be successful.

  • Goal-setting, decision-making and problem-solving skills.

  • Student engagement through Ranger Connection classes and helping you connect with individuals and groups throughout the campus community.

  • Guidance and support in overcoming academic and nonacademic challenges.

How Our Career Coach Can Help

LASSO Center Career Coach will provide assistance to help you:

  • Explore career and degree options, especially if you are “undecided” on a major, through the use of My Majors and Focus 2 Career resources, as well as, Ranger Connection class discussions and presentations.

  • Connect with the appropriate on and off campus support to help you make informed decisions when considering a degree and career opportunities.

  • Build a strong link between your educational and career goals by developing and implementing plans of action and evaluating the process to make sure you are staying on-track to achieve your goals.

  • Persevere by providing guidance, support and motivation to assure you are heading in the right direction towards graduation and your career path.

  • Assistance with Job and Life Skills such as Resume Building, Interviewing Well, and Finding Internships.

  • For additional career help, please refer to our Career Book. For additional help, contact the Career Coach to schedule an appointment. If you would like to take interest assessments, click the tab "additional resources."

Student Lingo

Student Lingo is a video resource for students to support student learning, personal growth, and health and wellness. Topics include: time management, stress management, study skills, budgeting, how to take tests and more. Click here to set up your free account and start accessing the videos!

Major/Career Assessments




Use MyMajors to discover which majors are best for you. After completing this evaluation, you will receive a list of the Northwestern Oklahoma State University majors that are ideal for you.



Focus 2 Career is a self-paced career and educational planning assessment tool. It will enable you to self-assess your career-relevant personal qualities and explore career fields and areas of study that are most compatible with your assessment results.

For Focus2Career, you will need to create an account with your email and a password. When it asks for an access code, type "LASSO."

Plans of Study

If you would like to take a look at a Degree Plan of Study for your desired major, click the link below. 

Degree Plans of Study

Resume/Career Resources

For an overview of resume help, click to download the resume packet below.

Resume Resource Packet

For a template, click to download the professional resume template below.

Resume Template for Students

For an example of what NOT to put on your resume, refer to the check list and example below.

What NOT to put on your resume

For more information on careers, please refer to our Career Book. For additional help, contact the Career Coach to schedule an appointment.


Stay updated on all things LASSO! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: @nwosu_lasso

Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

© 2008-2025 Northwestern Oklahoma State
University. All Rights Reserved.

Mission Statement

Northwestern Oklahoma State University provides quality educational and cultural opportunities to learners with diverse needs by cultivating ethical leadership and service, critical thinking and fiscal responsibility.

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