Student Services
Education Career Positions
The jobs below have been provided to us to make available to our students and others who may be interested in seeking employment. These jobs are not positions at Northwestern. The jobs are listed in the order in which they are received, so the the oldest posts will be on top with the newest posts on bottom.
Higgins, Texas ISD Teaching Positions (posted 6-3-19)
Higgins ISD needs an Ag teacher, a Special Education teacher, and a high school Math teacher.
Higgins ISD is located in the northeastern Texas Panhandle. It is a small school PK-12th grade. The classes are small, and the staff is wonderful.
Interested applicants should contact Kristy Waite, Superintendent at 806-852-1101.
Job Listings at Texarkana, Texas, Independent School District (posted 6-27-19)
Various jobs within the Texarkana, Texas, Independent School District.