Visit Northwestern
Where is Northwestern?
Northwestern's main campus is located in Alva, a city of nearly 6,000 residents in northwest Oklahoma. Alva is located just 14 miles (23 km) south of the Kansas border. Alva is approximately 152 miles (245 km) northwest of Oklahoma City and 115 miles (186 km) southwest of Wichita, Kansas. The nearest airports are located in these two larger cities.
Northwestern's main campus offers students a traditional on-campus college experience by living in university housing, dining in the cafeteria or Student Center Snack Bar, participating in campus media activities, attending home athletic events, going to university-sponsored concerts or plays, and more.
At Northwestern's Alva campus, students can choose from more than 40 areas of study to earn their Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees, and offers complete Master's Degree programs in Education, Counseling Psychology, and American Studies.
Average summer high 80 to 96 degrees F
(27 to 36 degrees C)
Average winter low 23 to 34 degrees F
(-5 to 1 degree C)
Mild fall/spring temperatures
Below, we have provided information to show where Northwestern's campus locations are located within the state of Oklahoma, the United States and the world. There also is a map of the Alva campus.
Printable Northwestern-Alva Campus map
Background vector created by Freepik
Directions from Amarillo, TX
This map will provide directions on how to get to Northwestern if you are coming from the Amarillo, Texas, area.
Directions from Oklahoma City, OK
This map will provide directions on how to get to Northwestern if you are coming from the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, area.
Directions from Tulsa, OK
This map will provide directions on how to get to Northwestern if you are coming from the Tulsa, Oklahoma, area.
Directions from Wichita, KS
This map will provide directions on how to get to Northwestern if you are coming from the Wichita, Kansas, area.