Diversity at Northwestern
How Northwestern Serves Its Diverse Population
The Diversity Program at Northwestern is a collaborative effort by the Diversity Committee, which comprises faculty, the Student Services Programs, and the Dean of Students and Enrollment Management. Furthermore, various academic departments, student services staff, athletics staff, and administrative office staff ensure diversity recommendations are implemented each academic year. Diversity Training opportunities are created and delivered each year based on the needs of faculty, staff, and students. The various data sets provided on this webpage are the foundational sources of information upon which faculty and staff design and deliver programs to the university community.
The reports and links below provide detailed information from the various academic divisions, departments, or administrative offices at Northwestern regarding Diversity Awareness and Engagement activities and initiatives.
Champions of Diversity - Employees
Dr. Kay Decker
Professor Emerita of Sociology
Department of Social Sciences
NWOSU Social Media post recognizing MLK Jr. Day
Diversity Committee Report
Diversity Committee Meeting Agendas
- 2022-23 Agenda
- 2021-22 Agenda
- 2020-21 Agenda
- 2019-20 Agenda
- 2018-19 Agenda
- 2017-18 Agenda
- 2016-17 Agenda
- 2015-16 Agenda
- 2014-15 Agenda
- 2013-14 Agenda
Faculty/Staff Trainings
- Faculty Development Events - 2019-2020
- Faculty Development Events - 2018-2019
- Faculty Development Events - 2017-2018
- Faculty Development Events - 2016-2017
- Faculty Development Events - 2015-2016
- Faculty Development Events - 2014-2015
- Faculty Development Events - 2013-2014
NWOSU Diversity Awareness Training
- Chris LittleCook - Native American students' college experiences
Northwestern Oklahoma State University played host to Chris LittleCook on March 23, 2023, for a luncheon with various department heads, university executives, and student representatives. Then he gave two diversity and inclusion training presentations. The first presentation, "College Experiences for Native Americans," was at 3:30 p.m. in the Alva campus Student Center Ballroom. This presentation was streamed to all Northwestern campuses. The second presentation on the Ponca tribe was at 7 p.m. in the Alva campus Education Center, room 109. This presentation was streamed to the other Northwestern campuses and opened to the public. - George Lee - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The NWOSU Diversity Committee hosted this training session from the Alva Student Center Ballroom to other locations in Enid, Woodward and Ponca City. Lee currently is leading the nationally renowned University of Oklahoma debate team as the coordinator of policy debate while also being a language arts public high school teacher in the Oklahoma City Public School District. In addition to his other positions he holds a professorship in the social work department at the University of Oklahoma. April 5, 2022 - The Power of Choice with Guest Speaker Dawn Shaw
The NWOSU Diversity Committee hosted a The Power of Choice virtual presentation with Dawn Shaw, motivational speaker and author, February 25, 2021 - Topics on Diversity with Guest Speaker Shewanda Riley
The NWOSU Diversity Committee hosted a Topics on Diversity presentation series with Shewanda Riley, Professor of English at Tarrant County College from February 27-28, 2020 - Understanding Financial Aid: Challenges and Restrictions for Academic Advisors. Presented by Calleb Mossburg, Dean of Students and Enrollment Management, and Tara Hannaford, Director of Financial Aid, March 12, 2019
- What Does a First Generation College Student Look Like? Presented by Drs. Roxie James and Kathy Earnest of the English, Humanities and Foreign Language Department, March 15, 2018
- First Generation College Students: Characteristics, Removal of Barriers to Success, Data Trends. Presented by Dr. Kay Decker, Diversity Committee Chair, and Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Students and Enrollment Management, March 15, 2018
- Struggle to Juggle: Achieving Life Balance as a Professional in Higher Education. Panelists: Dr. Janet Cunningham, Dr. James Bell, Dr. Kylene Rehder, Janet Valencia. Discussants: Dr. Kate Lane, Dr. Steve Maier, Dr. Christie Riley, Dr. Shelley Wells, Dr. Kylene Rehder, Janet Valencia and Tamara Brown. February 9, 2017
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and Title IX
Dr. Kay Decker and Calleb Mosburg, Dean of Students and Enrollment Management presented to all staff and faculty on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), SaVE Act, and the Clery Act. This information was also available on Blackboard. - Poverty Impact on Educational Achievement and Success
On January 27th, 2015, at 2 p.m., representatives from the Oklahoma Policy Institute in Tulsa led a discussion in the Student Center Ranger room on the Alva campus on the topic of "Poverty Impact on Educational Achievement and Success." - Cross Cultural Communications and NWOSU student demographics
Dr. Francisco Martinez and Dr. Kay Decker presented to faculty and staff the topic “Cross Cultural Communications and NWOSU student demographics”. This information was also available on Blackboard.
Academic Department Reports
School of Arts and Sciences
- Diversity Report Communication 2019-20
- Diversity Report Communication 2018-19
- Diversity Report Communication 2017-18
English, Foreign Language & Humanities
- Diversity Report, English, Foreign Language & Humanities 2022-23
- Diversity Report English, Foreign Language & Humanities 2020-21
- Diversity Report English, Foreign Language & Humanities 2019-20
- Diversity Report English, Foreign Language & Humanities 2018-19
- Diversity Report English, Foreign Language & Humanities 2017-18
Fine Arts
- Diversity Report Fine Arts 2022-23
- Diversity Report Fine Arts 2019-20
- Diversity Report Fine Arts 2018-19
- Diversity Report Fine Arts 2017-18
Math & Computer Science
- Diversity Report Math and Computer Science 2019-20
- Diversity Report Math and Computer Science 2017-18
Natural Science
- Diversity Report Natural Science 2019-20
- Diversity Report Natural Science 2018-19
- Diversity Report Natural Science 2017-18
Social Sciences
- Diversity Report Social Sciences 2020-21
- Diversity Report Social Sciences 2019-20
- Diversity Report Social Sciences 2018-19
- Diversity Report Social Sciences 2017-18
Social Work
- Diversity Report Social Work 2022-23
- Diversity Report Social Work 2019-20
- Diversity Report Social Work 2018-19
- Diversity Report Social Work 2017-18
School of Professional Studies
- Diversity Report Agriculture 2022-23
- Diversity Report Agriculture 2021-22
- Diversity Report Agriculture 2020-21
- Diversity Report Agriculture 2019-20
- Diversity Report Agriculture 2018-19
- Diversity Report Agriculture 2017-18
Division of Business
- Diversity Report Division of Business 2022-23
- Diversity Report Division of Business 2021-22
- Diversity Report Division of Business 2020-21
- Diversity Report Division of Business 2019-20
- Diversity Report Division of Business 2018-19
- Diversity Report Division of Business 2017-18
Division of Education
- Diversity Report Division of Education 2022-23
- Diversity Report Division of Education 2019-20
- Diversity Report Division of Education 2018-19
- Diversity Report Division of Education 2017-18
Health & Sports Science Education
- Diversity Report Health and Sports Science 2019-20
- Diversity Report Health and Sports Science 2018-19
- Diversity Report Health and Sports Science 2017-18
Division of Nursing
- Diversity Report Division of Nursing 2022-23
- Diversity Report Division of Nursing 2019-20
- Diversity Report Division of Nursing 2018-19
- Diversity Report Division of Nursing 2017-18
Graduate Studies
The Spotlight
The Spotlight is a newsletter designed to celebrate the activities of our students and faculty members, recognize scholarly accomplishments and feature information about a single significant effort of accomplishment by putting it "in the spotlight." To access these electronic newsletters, please visit www.nwosu.edu/spotlight-newsletter.
Academic Affairs Report
Athletics & Title IX Report
Study Abroad Diversity Report
Study Abroad Mission:
In order to provide quality educational and cultural opportunities to learners with diverse needs, Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Study Abroad committee offers globally-aware curricula and internationally-focused student programs. By facilitating experiential and traditional learning, sponsoring programs, and guiding the University’s study abroad initiatives, these efforts provide a much needed global perspective for the NWOSU community.
Other Campus Locations Diversity Report
Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Diversity Report
Service-Learning Diversity Report
Campus Cabinet Food Pantry Report
Faculty/Staff Recruitment Policy
4.1 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. This institution, in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, the Americans With Disabilities Act and to the extent required by these and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, political affiliation or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial aid, and educational services. Inquiries concerning the application of these programs should be made to Mr. Calleb Mosburg Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717, (580) 327-8415.
4.2 AFFIRMATION ACTION. The Affirmative Action Plan serves to supplement Regents' policy on equal opportunity as it pertains to employment, and is an integral part of the employment policies of the Board. The principal objectives are: (a) to assure all persons equal opportunity for employment and advancement in employment regardless of race, religion, disability, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, age, political affiliation or status as a veteran; (b) to meet institutional responsibilities under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and commitments as a federal contractor under Executive Order 11246 and Executive Order 11375; and Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policies. (c) to reach out to all persons, including women and racial minority members, in the recruitment, placement, development, and advancement of university personnel. Each person having administrative or supervisory responsibilities is expected to provide leadership in applying the Affirmative Action Plan.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants who would enrich the diversity of the campus community are encouraged to apply.