Paying For College
The Registry Office, located on the first floor of Herod Hall, provides a variety of services: enrollment of classes, degree audits, official transcripts, etc. This office is the custodian of all student academic records for all three campuses including all applications for admission to the university.
Requests for official and unofficial academic transcripts also are processed through this office. Students who have been at Northwestern since Fall 2019 can print unofficial transcripts from Self-Service.
If you need to request a degree audit, two forms are available online: Degree Audit - Teaching - Request Form and Degree Audit - Non-Teaching - Request Form.
If you'd like to view your student demographic information, you must be logged into Self-Service. If you need to make a change to your demographic information, please contact the Registry Office at (580) 327-8552 or kdpenner@nwosu.edu.
A student entering Northwestern for the first time is required to submit an Application for Admission, an official high school transcript indicating graduation, class rank, GPA, and ACT or SAT scores. High school transcripts may be mailed, submitted electronically to any Registry employee, delivered in person or faxed. Students wishing to receive Advanced Placement (AP) credit must also have their “Student Score Report for Colleges and Universities” sent directly to NWOSU. A minimum score of 3 is required to receive AP credit.
A transfer student applicant who has attended other colleges or universities also is required to submit an Application for Admission, and a complete official transcript from EACH INSTITUTION previously attended. Depending on the number of hours transferred to Northwestern, a complete high school transcript and ACT/SAT scores also may be required. To be considered official, college transcripts may be submitted by the student in person or by mail. The Registry office also will accept transcripts sent electronically as official if they are sent via email to Sheri Lahr or Teri Warren directly from the issuing institution or the institution’s third party company (E-Script, Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, etc.). These transcripts must be on file in the Northwestern Registry Office on the Alva campus.
The only credit card payments accepted in person at the cashier stations in the Business Office or by phone are for student housing deposits and graduation application fees. Call (580) 327-8534 to pay by phone. Registry, the Business Office and Financial Aid are located in Herod Hall - Administration Building.
Check with the Office of Recruitment or visit Future Ranger for admission requirements and other information pertaining to how to become a member of the Ranger family.
Northwestern’s admission and retention policy information also is available in the Undergraduate Catalog. Students are responsible for seeing that all admission requirements have been met.
Contact Info:
Alva: (580) 327-8554 (Herod Hall)
FAX: (580) 327-8699
MAIL: 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Enid: (580) 213-3102
Woodward: (580) 254-2502
Sheri Lahr
(580) 327-8550
Teri Warren
Assistant Registrar/ Admissions Coordinator
(580) 327-8554
Diane Penner
UDS/Records Coordinator
(580) 327-8552
Rebecca Buckley
Academic Records Coordinator
(580) 327-8551
Alina Fraire
Admissions/ Records Assistant
(580) 327-8555