Choirs Overall 18

School of Arts & Sciences

Choirs, Choral and Vocal Studies

The choral and vocal students at NWOSU have all of the opportunities that can be found at a large university combined with the personalized size of a small college. Each year choir members and vocalists participate in many performances including concerts by the University Chorale, Concert Choir, and the University Singers. Northwestern choirs tour regionally and nationally. The University Chorale and Singers toured Austria and the Czech Republic, New York, including a performance in Carnegie Hall, Shanghai and Beijing, Washington D.C., St. Louis and across the South and Southwest United States.

The NWOSU Choirs are open to all students regardless of major, including faculty and staff. Participation scholarships in choir are available to every NWOSU student. We welcome all community members to join our community Concert Choir. 

Incoming freshmen and transfer students wanting to audition for Singers and or who will be majoring or minoring in music, please sign up for a Fine Arts Audition on Saturday, February 3, 2024, on the Fine Arts Home Page to be considered for all eligible scholarships.

Continuing students, email to set up another time that would work for you. No preparation is needed!

Fine Arts Department


Derrick Bready
Instructor of Music
Director of Choral Studies
Department of Fine Arts
Ryerson Hall 323
Northwestern - Alva
Phone: (580) 327-8692


Phi Delta Music Society


Voice Placements/ Auditions

Any NWOSU student, staff or faculty, or community member can sing in a choir. Regardless of background or level of experience, we have a choir for you!

To join a choir, email Prof. Bready at to sign up for an audition for Singers or a quick voice placement for Chorale or Concert Choir. You don't need to prepare anything!



Participation Scholarships
Choir participation scholarships range from $250 to $2,000 per year, making a significant contribution toward an individual’s annual tuition. Choir awards may be combined with academic or other participation awards up to approximately $5,500 for freshmen and transfer students and $2,000 for continuing students. Scholarships above the cost of tuition may be applied to other university costs. Students enrolled in at least 12 credit hours of courses are eligible to receive these scholarships.

The following Foundation/Departmental Scholarships must be applied for by February 5.

  1. The Alton and Betty Zimmerman Vocal Scholar Award is presented to an outstanding incoming freshman-vocalist who is planning to major in vocal music performance or vocal music education. The award is renewable each year for up to four years.
  2. The Blackford-Funk Scholarship, established in memory of Gladys A. (Blackford) Funk, class of 1915, is intended for a piano major.
  3. The Charles fisher Scholarship is to be awarded to a full-time continuing instrumental music or music education major. This scholarship is intended to be awarded to one student, and be applied toward university-related expenses.
  4. The Donovan and Dorothy Reichenberger Vocal Scholar Award is presented to a continuing vocal music student or an outstanding incoming freshman who is planning to major in vocal music performance or vocal music education. The award is renewable each year for four years.
  5. The Doris Cooley Scholarship is intended for a music major from any performance medium, and is given in memory of Mrs. Cooley who was the wife of Rev. Raymond Cooley, former pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Alva.
  6. The Dorothy Reichenberger Memorial Scholarship is to be awarded to a continuing student or an incoming freshman who meets the admission standards and the scholarship selection criteria set forth by Northwestern’s music faculty. The candidate must participate in the vocal or instrumental music program.
  7. The Earl & Margie Brunkest Estate Music Scholarship is intended for a full-time student majoring in music. This scholarship will be applied toward university-related expenses including tuition, books, fees, room or board.
  8. The Electa Lee Frieden Scholarship is given in honor of Mrs. Frieden, wife of Mr. Dale Frieden.  Mr. Dale Frieden was one of the first trustees of the Northwestern Foundation, and past chairman of the Board of Trustees.  Because of her support of the Foundation and her interest in music, the Frieden Scholarship is intended for a student who makes a worthy contribution to the music program.
  9. The Fred Neuman Scholarship is intended for a music major who graduated from Alva High School. Fred Neuman was the choir director at Alva for many years and his former students established this scholarship fund.
  10. The Joan Talley Fisher Scholarship is intended for a full-time student majoring in instrumental or vocal music.
  11. The Kenneth and Sue Fellers Family Scholarship is awarded to a full-time music major in odd years and to a math or science major in even years. Applicants must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and be a continuing student, with a preference given to students residing in Northwest Oklahoma. Kenneth Fellers, a 1963 math and physics graduate, wishes to assist student in math, physical or biological science. Sue Fellers, a 1964 music graduate, wishes to assist students in music.
  12. The Oscar Stover Scholarship is intended for a member or members who make a significant contribution to the Ranger Band.  It is presented in memory of Oscar Stover, distinguished faculty member and Music Department Chairman from 1960 until his retirement in 1976. The Director of Instrument Music selects the student recipients of this award.
  13. The Ruth Marie Genuit Scholarship is intended for a vocal major. The recipient is selected by audition with the music faculty. The award is given in memory of Ruth Genuit who was a member of the music faculty from 1942 until her retirement in 1971.
  14. The Shirley Family Music Scholarship is to be awarded to a continuing full-time student. This student is not required to be a music major or minor, but participation in band is required. First consideration will be given to the applicant with the highest financial need.  
  15. The Frankie Rogers Baxter Scholarship is to be awarded in Fall of Odd years to a Fine Arts major, who is full-time student at the Alva campus, native Oklahoman,  and with a 3.0 or higher.  The scholarship is named after George T. and Frankie Rogers Baxter and alternates between the Fine Arts and Science/Math Departments.  

Student Learning Outcomes

Student Outcomes in Each Major

Bachelor of Arts in music

The graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in music will use the knowledge and skills obtained in the program to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the elements of music, the theory of music, and competence in aural skills by sight and sound.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the history of music. 
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles, philosophy, and methodology of current performance and pedagogy practices.
  4. Demonstrate performing competence.
  5. Demonstrate basic piano skills necessary to become successful music performers and/or applied music teachers.


Bachelor of Music

The graduate with a Bachelor of Music will use the knowledge and skills obtained in the program to:

  1. Perform at the highest possible level in his/her primary performance medium.
  2. Understand the basic elements and structures of music history, theory, and performance literature.
  3. Teach essential elements of music and music performance.
  4. Demonstrate functional piano performance skills.
  5. Understand music’s relationship to the other arts, and how the arts relate to mankind.
  6. Use technology in appropriate musical applications.
  7. Communicate the intellectual, emotional, and aesthetic qualities of music to a diverse society.


Bachelor of Music Education

The graduate with a Bachelor of Music Education will use the knowledge and skills obtained in the program to:

  1. Teach essential elements of music and music performance at elementary and secondary school levels.
  2. Understand the basic elements and structures of music history, theory, and performance literature.
  3. Perform with appropriate tone, technique, and musicality in his/her primary performance medium.
  4. Demonstrate functional piano performance skills.
  5. Understand music’s relationship to the other arts, and how the arts relate to mankind.
  6. Use technology in appropriate musical applications.
  7. Communicate the intellectual, emotional and aesthetic qualities of music to a diverse society. 
Northwestern Oklahoma State University

709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717
Phone: (580) 327-1700

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University. All Rights Reserved.

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Northwestern Oklahoma State University provides quality educational and cultural opportunities to learners with diverse needs by cultivating ethical leadership and service, critical thinking and fiscal responsibility.

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