School of Arts & Sciences
NWOSU offers a bachelor's degree in chemistry and provides traditional training in classroom and laboratory studies. Small class sizes enable students to receive individual attention normally found at private universities. More than 75 percent of our graduates work in a chemistry-related field or enter professional schools such as medicine, dentistry and pharmacy.
Dr. Jenny Sattler
Associate Professor of Physics
Chair, Department of Natural Science
Northwestern - Alva
Science Building 107-B
Phone: (580) 327-8568
Careers for Degree
Chemistry Career Resources (hosted by: American Chemical Society)
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Chemistry program at Northwestern Oklahoma State University,
- Students will differentiate between fundamental chemistry concepts for simple and complex systems, distinguishing important chemical structures and processes.
- Students will analyze and solve key model problems in organic and physical chemistry ranging in difficulty from basic to compound.
- Students will effectively communicate key concepts in physical , organic and/or analytical chemistry in a professional setting.
- Students will construct and/or evaluate experimental research in the sciences, including chemistry and multi-disciplinary studies.
- Students will characterize the interdependent roles of science, society and science education, analyzing related issues and responsibilities.