Apply for Admission
If you currently are a senior in high school, whether traditionally schooled or homeschooled, or have graduated from high school or earned your GED but have not enrolled in a regular session at any college or university, this information is for you. International students should see information under the International Student link.
Contact our Office of Recruitment at (580) 327-8546 or email recruit@nwosu.edu with questions.
Camp Ranger
This event will provide an opportunity to you as an incoming freshman to connect to your campus and the Alva community early!
Freshman Orientation
Freshman Orientation on the Saturday prior to the first day of school in August is a required event for all freshmen. However, if you have decided to take summer classes, we’ll see you in May, June and/or July.
Admission Requirements
Standards for admission to Northwestern are established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and are based on performance and curricular requirements.
Criteria You’ll Need to Meet:
High School Curricular and Performance Requirements for Admission to Programs Leading to Baccalaureate Degrees:
Any individual who:
- is a graduate of a high school accredited by the appropriate regional association or by an appropriate accrediting agency of his/her home state, or has achieve a high school equivalency certificate based on the General Education Development tests (GED),
- has met the curricular requirements as set forth by State Regents policy,
- has participated in the American College Testing (ACT) program or a similar battery of tests, and
- has a composite ACT or SAT score that ranks in the top 50th percentile of Oklahoma scores (NWOSU = 20 ACT or 1030 SAT)
is eligible for admission to any of the regional universities in the State System including Northwestern.
A student who DOES NOT have an appropriate ACT/SAT score for admittance or has not taken the ACT/SAT, may be considered for admission if he/she has met one of the follow criteria:
- Have a high school cumulative grade point average that ranks in the top 50th percentile of Oklahoma scores and rank in the top 50th percentile of the high school graduating class (NWOSU = 2.7 and upper half). GED recipient's high school class must have graduated.
- Have a cumulative grade point average in the *15 required core high school units that ranks in the top 50th percentile of Oklahoma scores (NWOSU = 2.7). The exact standardized test score will be specified annually by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education based on the preceding three years' ACT scores of graduating seniors, if available, based on Oklahoma norms. An equivalency table will be used to determine SAT scores. The GPA will be defined annually to correspond to the rank in class.
*A 2.7 CGPA in the 15 units required for high school core courses include:
- 4 units English (Grammar, Composition, Literature)
- 3 units Lab Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any lab science certified by the school district. General Science may not be used to meet this requirement.)
- 3 units Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, AP Statistics)
- 3 units History and Citizenship Skills (including 1 unit of American History and 2 units of History, Government, Economics, Geography, and/or Non-Western Culture)
- 2 units Additional Units (Any previously listed subjects, Computer Science, Foreign Language)
For alternative admission options, contact the Office of Recruitment for details.
What We’ll Need from You:
These items will show proof of immunization for certain diseases. See more information in our Immunization Policy. We won’t be able to make a housing assignment in University Housing until we receive your Immunization information.
How Should I Prepare?
Take the right courses in high school (see Criteria You'll Need to Meet above).
Register for the ACT at www.act.org. Northwestern is a national testing site.
Northwestern’s codes are:
Alva – 3412
Enid – 3433
Woodward – 5332 -
If you’re planning to attend Northwestern, you may take the On-Campus ACT exam on campus through our Academic Success Center.
Register for the SAT at https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register. Northwestern’s code is 6493.
Visit with a member of the Office of Recruitment - (580) 327-8546 or recruit@nwosu.edu or see us a local College Fair.
Register for and attend Ranger Preview when you’re a senior to learn more about Northwestern and qualify for a $600 scholarship just for attending! Here you will fill out an Application for Admission and a scholarship application.
Register for a campus tour to see what life could be like as a Ranger if unable to attend Ranger Preview.
Register for college classes as a concurrent student during your junior or senior year.
Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form as soon after October 1 as possible and before March 1 for best consideration. Students must complete a FAFSA form every year to continue receiving aid. Northwestern’s FAFSA code is 003163.
If you plan to attend Northwestern in the fall, register online for Freshman Connection so you can enroll early for the fall semester.
If you miss Freshman Connection, contact the Office of Recruitment to schedule an enrollment session.
Check into taking the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject exams through our Academic Success Center.
Apply for Admission
You’ve done the research, you’ve visited the campus, and now you’re ready to take that next step to become a Northwestern Oklahoma State University Ranger and proudly wear the Red and Black.
To apply for admission to Northwestern, do the following:
1. Apply Online
2. OR Fill out a paper application and return to the Registry Office, 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717.
3. Fill out the Immunization Records Form and Hepatitis B Statement (See Northwestern’s Immunization Policy).
4. Send your current high school transcript to the Registrar’s Office, 709 Oklahoma Blvd, Alva, OK 73717, and upon your graduation, we’ll need an official copy of your final high school transcript that includes your graduation date, GPA and rank.
5. Submit official ACT or SAT scores to the Registrar’s Office (if you did not have them sent directly to Northwestern upon taking these tests). Web scores will not be accepted.
6. Apply for scholarships by May 15 (best if returned by March 31).
What is the deadline to apply for admission?
If you are a United States citizen or United States permanent resident you can apply up until classes begin for the semester you wish to attend. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible as some of the other applications such as Scholarships, Financial Aid and Student Housing have deadlines, and awards are dependent upon being admitted. Please see Paying for College and Living on Campus for more information.
I've been accepted, now what?
Congratulations on being accepted into the #RangerFamily! Share your acceptance excitement on social media by posting a photo of yourself with your acceptance letter while using the hashtag #NWOSUsaidYES
Don’t forget to:
1. Send your final transcript to the Registrar’s Office, 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717.
2. Fill out the online Scholarship Application before May 15th (best if returned by March 31) to apply for academic and participation scholarships.
3. Apply for Housing/Food Contract from the Living on Campus web page.
4. Pay $100.00 deposit. Payment can be mailed to Business Office, 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717 or call them at (580) 327-8534 to pay with a credit card. (Dorm deposits are the only things you can pay for by phone or in person with a credit card in the Business Office.)
** Housing applications will not be considered complete, and room assignments will not be made until providing your application, the Meningitis form and deposit **
When Can I Enroll?
Your first chance to enroll is in April at Freshman Connection, a day created just for you! Your parents are welcome to tag along because we have a special time devoted to them as well. Please register by clicking the link provided.
Check out the Course Schedules to see what classes are offered.
Call (580) 327-8546 or email recruit@nwosu.edu with questions.
Ranger Connection: A Required Class for All First-time Freshmen
All first-time freshmen must take Ranger Connection, a one credit hour class that helps students adjust to college life.
I’m Enrolled, Now What?
Once you have enrolled at Northwestern, here are the steps you need to take to be successful:
Ensure Financial Aid is complete
Ensure all Housing forms are complete and deposit is paid
Complete the Online Scholarship Application
Get involved with Clubs/Organizations
Complete Title IX Training by visiting https://interwork.sdsu.edu/echeckup/svp/campus/nwosu. To see additional information about Title IX at Northwestern, visit www.nwosu.edu/title-ix.
Apply for Scholarships and Financial Aid
Freshmen can apply for a number of academic and participation scholarships by using the online Scholarship Application. Freshmen interested in being involved in a leadership role at Northwestern may be interested in applying for the coveted President’s Leadership Class Scholarship.
Alva Incentive Program
First-time freshmen and transfer students attending Northwestern-Alva on a full-time basis who establish a residence in the city may be eligible for additional financial assistance through a unique toNorthwestern incentive program. Administered through the Financial Aid Office, this incentive program provides assistance for tuition, university housing and other school-related expenses. To qualify for this scholarship money, you’ll need to live within the Alva city limits.
More information on Scholarships, Financial Aid and Costs to attend Northwestern are available at Paying for College.
Campus Bookstore
Textbooks for your classes can be picked up in the NWOSU Bookstore online or in the Student Center. And, while you're shopping for books, check out the selection of Ranger apparel and gifts to get set up with all the latest Ranger gear.