Apply for Admission
If you are interested in earning a higher-level degree at Northwestern through our Graduate Studies programs, we offer three master’s degree programs in Education, Counseling Psychology, General Psychology, American Studies, and Heritage Tourism and Conservation and one doctorate program in Nursing Practice (BSN-to DNP online)
If you are interested in applying to our Master's Degree program or our Doctoral Program, please see the information below showing what we’ll need from you, the requirements necessary to apply to these programs and an application forms.
Detailed information about our Master's Degree programs and the various options can be found at Graduate Studies. For additional details on the doctoral degree (BSN to DNP) visit the BSN to DNP Program page.
1. Apply or reapply for admission to the NWOSU
Application for Admission https://www.nwosu.edu/apply-online
Application for Readmission /forms/application-for-readmission
Send in official transcripts
All official E-transcripts must be submitted by the issuing institution to Sheri Lahr at sklahr@nwosu.edu or Teri Warren at tlwarren@nwosu.edu to be considered official or
Mail to NWOSU-Registrar 709 Oklahoma Blvd. Alva, OK 73717
Complete the Immunization form /forms/immunization-form
2. Complete the Application for Specific Program of Study
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Master of Arts in American Studies
Master of Arts in Heritage Tourism & Conservation
Master of Psychology: Multiple Options(General Psychology, Counseling, LPC, LADC)\Deadline for applications is October 15th for Fall and March 15th for Spring.
Master of Education: Adult Education Management and Administration
Master of Education: Curriculum and Instruction
Master of Education: Educational Leadership
Master of Education: Educational Leadership - Certificate Only
Master of Education: Reading Specialist
Master of Education: Reading Specialist - Certificate Only
Master of Education: School Counseling
Master of Education: School Counseling - Certificate Only
Superintendent-Certification Only
Alternative Pathway Certification
Non-Degree Seeking Student
Required documents needed for the application process will include the following:
Unofficial transcripts
Any current teaching certificate or letter from the Department of Education you may hold (for Master of Education students only, exempt Adult Ed students)
Statement of aspiration and self-evaluation (Master of General Psychology and Master of Counseling Psychology students only)
Sample of scholarly written work (Master of General Psychology and Master of Counseling Psychology students only)
Three letters of recommendation (Master of General Psychology and Master of Counseling Psychology students only)
Recommendation form for Master of Psychology applicants
NOTE: Submission of three (3) letters of recommendation attesting to academic ability, professional competency, and personal character is required. Individuals providing a recommendation must complete the online Reference Form wherein they will upload your letter of recommendation. It is your responsibility to ensure that your recommenders receive the Reference Form link and submit the Reference Form by the application deadline. The Reference Form is here: www.nwosu.edu/forms/masters-of-psychology-reference-form.
Non-Oklahoma residents (excluding international students) may be eligible for the NWOSU GO OK! Tuition waiver program. Each semester the Registrar's office will determine if out-of-state residents meet the requirements for this waiver.
Criteria to meet the requirements for this waiver are as follows:
- Make formal application to the Graduate Program AND meet unconditional admission (refer to the Graduate Catalog for details)
- Have a retention/graduation GPA of 3.00.
(The tuition waiver program does not apply to the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program.)
Shawn Holliday, Ph.D.
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
Alva, Ryerson Hall, Office 212
Telephone (580) 327-8589
Melissa Brown, M.Ed.
Graduate Studies Enrollment and Retention Coordinator
Ryerson Hall, Office 212
Telephone (580) 327-8410
Please contact Mrs. Brown with questions concerning applying to graduate school, enrolling in courses, etc.
Dr. Courtney Ballina
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Director
Division of Nursing
(580) 327-8497
Beth Rose, RN
DNP Coordinator
Division of Nursing
Carter Hall 103
(580) 327-8442
Dr. Leslie Collins, M.S. R.N
Division of Nursing Chair and Associate Professor of Nursing
Carter Hall
(580) 327-8489
Master's Program: Admission Requirements
Degree-seeking students must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and must meet ONE of the following standards for unconditional admission:
A cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale OR
A 3.0 GPA in the last 60 hours of course work OR
A score that places the individual at the 25th percentile on two of the three areas (verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing) of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
Master of Counseling Psychology (MCP) degree applicants also must have:
18 credit hours in psychology
Undergraduate or graduate statistics course (C or better)
Undergraduate or graduate research course (C or better)
All students applying for admission to the graduate program will receive a letter of acceptance or non-acceptance from the Office of Graduate Studies once an approval decision has been made. Those who have been approved will be notified if they have been admitted conditionally or unconditionally. Students applying for the MCP program also will receive an acceptance or non-acceptance letter from the Psychology Department.
Students who already hold a master's degree from an accredited institution of higher education will be admitted unconditionally upon providing an official copy of a transcript stating the degree.
Degree-seeking students who are not eligible for unconditional admission based on the above criteria may seek conditional admission if they meet minimum conditional admission criteria, including a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale, or a GPA of 2.5 in the last 60 hours attempted. Additional prerequisite course work may be required of conditional admission students. Students admitted conditionally are ineligible for Federal Financial Aid.
Students who are taking courses for personal or professional enhancement rather than seeking a degree must hold a baccalaureate degree and meet minimum conditional admission criteria, including a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale, or a GPA of 2.5 in the last 60 hours attempted.
Master's Program: Application & Requirements
What We Need from You:
- Application for Admission to the University -- NO APPLICATION FEE
- Application for Specific Program of Study
Dorm deposits are the only things you can pay for by phone or in person with a credit card in the Business Office
- Application for Readmission
- Application for Specific Program of Study
3. Official Transcripts from all colleges attended
To be considered official, college transcripts may be submitted by the student in person or by mail to the Registrar’s Office, 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717.
The Registrar’s Office also will accept transcripts sent electronically as official if they are sent via email to Sheri Lahr or Teri Warren directly from the issuing institution or the institution’s third party company (E-Script, Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, etc.).
These transcripts must be on file in the Northwestern Registry Office on the Alva campus.
5. Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
Master of Counseling Psychology (MCP) degree applicants also must provide:
1. Three letters of recommendation from faculty members or other professionals related to the field of study
2. A written statement of career aspirations and self-evaluation of strengths and weaknesses related to the field of study
3. A sample of scholarly written work (e.g., a research paper, term paper, professional report or publication)
4. An oral interview with the graduate faculty of the psychology department (The application/interview process must be completed prior to enrolling in the 10th graduate hour.)
Items from MCP applicants should be mailed to Dr. Taylor Randolph, Psychology Chair, NWOSU, 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717 or attached to an email at jtrandolph@nwosu.edu. The phone number is (580) 213-3119.
Doctoral Program: Admission Requirements
1. Application and acceptance to Northwestern Oklahoma State University at Application for Admission (A separate application to Graduate Studies is not required for our doctoral program.)
2. Baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing from an ACEN (NLNAC), CCNE, or CNEA accredited program
3. Grades and/or Grade Point Average info:
The applicant must have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 out of a possible 4.00 for college/university work.
An overall grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is necessary for the last 60 hours for the courses required for the undergraduate nursing degree (BSN).
Application may be made for conditional admission by students having an overall undergraduate GPA of at least a 2.50 with five years having passed since the date of completion of the BSN degree.
Completion of an undergraduate or graduate course in descriptive and inferential statistics with a grade of "C" or better.
4. Completed DNP Application with written essay and current Curriculum Vitae
5. Three Reference Forms using DNP Applicant Reference Forms
6. Current unrestricted license to practice as a Registered Nurse in the State of Oklahoma.
Out-of-state students must provide proof of unrestricted licensure to practice in their resident state as a registered nurse.
7. Students with a native language other than English must submit evidence of English language proficiency. Evidence may include:
Completing a four-year bachelor's degree in Nursing from a U.S. institution
Meeting the English language requirements of an official TOEFL score
The TOEFL must have been taken within the last two (2) years.
520 for paper-based test, 190 for computer-based test, 68 for an internet-based test)
Meeting the English language requirements of an official IELTS score
6.5 or higher is required
8. A phone, video, or in-person admission interview may be required. Applicant will be notified by the Admissions Committee.
Applicants will be notified of the Admission Committee’s decision regarding their respective applications prior to the end of the spring semester. The number of applicants accepted will be dependent on the number of qualified applicants, the availability of faculty, and clinical sites.
Doctoral Program: Application and Requirements
What We Need from You:
- Application for Admission to the University -- NO APPLICATION FEE
Dorm deposits are the only things you can pay for by phone or in person with a credit card in the Business Office
- Application for Readmission (A BSN degree must be earned and a registered nurse license obtained before you can apply to the DNP program. This means current Northwestern nursing students may have to wait a semester or year to apply, depending on graduation date. In this case, an Application for Readmission will need to be submitted.)
- All Official College/University Transcripts
To be considered official, college transcripts may be submitted by the student in person or by mail. The Registrar’s office also will accept transcripts sent electronically as official if they are sent via email to Sheri Lahr or Teri Warren directly from the issuing institution or the institution’s third party company (E-Script, Parchment, National Student Clearinghouse, etc.). These transcripts must be on file in the Northwestern Registry Office on the Alva campus.
Students applying who earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from Northwestern may submit an unofficial Northwestern transcript, along with official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended before and after attending Northwestern.
Applications open October 1. The deadline is January 13. Applications accepted for entry into the next fall semester.
- Three completed DNP Applicant Reference Forms attesting to academic ability, professional competency and personal character. Your three references must fill out the form titled DNP Person Serving as Reference form.
Suggestions for references include:
A nursing faculty member in your BSN/MSN/EdD/PhD program who can attest to your academic ability to participate in a doctoral program, and can identify your personal qualifications, including leadership and critical thinking abilities to be an effective, doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse.
A supervisor within the past three years
If you graduated from your BSN/MSN/EdD/PhD program more than five years ago, a supervisor within the past five (5) years.
Relatives, friends, co-workers of equal or less rank, religious or spiritual leaders, and clients or patients are not appropriate references.
Fully read and comprehend all information provided on the DNP General Information page and comply with all requests, then submit the Acknowledgement of General Information Form.
- Certified Background Check (information provided at DNP General Information)
You are able to attach the next three items to the BSN to DNP Application form:
- Current Curriculum Vitae
- A copy of your unofficial transcripts
- Written Essay