Apply for Admission
This section provides information for adult students who have made the decision to attend college, as well as for students who have attended Northwestern in the past but would like to be readmitted.
It also gives information on the degree completion program named Reach Higher.
Ethan Sacket
Transfer Recruiter
Ryerson Hall 142
(580) 327-8606
(580) 327-8413 - Fax
Adult Student Info
You are considered an adult student if:
- You are at least 21 years of age and have never attended college
If you fit this description, please submit your high school transcripts or GED certificate and scores as well as your ACT or SAT score, and fill out the Application for Admission form. The composite scores on the ACT or SAT do not determine admission. Placement testing is required for scores below 19 on the ACT and 455 on the SAT.
Readmission Student Info
You are considered a readmission student if:
- You’ve taken a few semesters off from school
- You've transferred to a different school and want to return to Northwestern
- You've been out of school for several years and want to return to complete your education.
If you fit this description, you will need to fill out the Application for Readmission form. There is no application fee. Students who previously attended Northwestern as a concurrent student also will need to submit a final high school transcript.
I'm Enrolled: Now What?
Once you have enrolled at Northwestern, here are the steps you need to take to be successful:
Ensure Financial Aid is complete
Ensure all Housing forms are complete and deposit is paid
Complete our scholarships applications: Freshman Scholarship Form | Transfer Student Scholarship Form
Get involved with Clubs/Organizations
Complete Title IX Training by visiting https://interwork.sdsu.edu/echeckup/svp/campus/nwosu. To see additional information about Title IX at Northwestern, visit www.nwosu.edu/title-ix.
Reach Higher Program
Oklahoma’s Degree Completion Program
If you have earned a minimum of 72 credit hours, are at least 21 years of age, have not been enrolled as a full-time student for at least one year, and have a minimum of 2.0 graduation/retention GPA in past college course work, you might consider applying for admission in the ReachHigher program to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership at Northwestern. Individual colleges also may have other admission requirements.
Through ReachHigher, work and life experiences may, in some cases, qualify for college credit — saving time and money.
To learn more about the program, visit their website or contact Dr. Jerry Gustafson, professor of business. You also may contact Northwestern’s Office of Recruitment at (580) 327-8546.